symbolism finding feathers

July 8, 2011

I have had a lot of bird run ins today. Earlier today I saw a Cardinal in our tree outside our office window, and then on my way to our shed I found a very large amount of feathers of all type outside in front of it. I had never seen that amount of feathers before without finding a dead bird. I searched for a little, hoping to bury the poor thing if I could find it, but I didn’t. It seemed to be from a pretty common pigeon called and a Band-Tailed Pigeon, which are very common pretty much everywhere in the U.S.. This has prompted me to look into the symbolism behind finding feathers. It seems very similar to feathers in general, which is to be expected.

“higher thought, spiritual progression”

“When you find feathers upon your path it could be taken to mean that you are on a higher spiritual path (whether you accept it or not), and it may be a sign of encouragement as you philosophically travel on this path.”

Considering that I am currently making many changes in my life to allow me more room in which to express myself more on a esoteric level.

“Finding feathers on your path is also symbolic of having a lighter outlook on life or a particulary situation. When we see feathers in our midst it is considered a message that we need to lighten up, not take things too seriously, and try to find the joy in our situation.”

This also makes sense for me. I have been having some very confusing dreams, and just in general I have felt stressed by situations which I feel need my attention even though I am not ready to go to the next step quite yet.

“Yet feathers are more than history. For many, they are mystical signs, messages, or opportunities. They are scraps of synchronicity in the flowing patchwork of universal meanings. They appear in unlikely places as assurances of well-being, as a comforting sign of abundance in the universe, and as unmistakable messengers of hope and encouragement. Their ephemeral grace makes them the perfect emissaries of spiritual and emotional freedom.”

I am thinking I will try at hand making a smudging fan from these found feathers, taking the encouragement seriously and using it’s good will and association to empower myself to find balance and to move forward happily.

“Finding a feather is society’s way of telling you that you are a coward without the unpleasantness of stating this face to face. A white feather is left in an obvious place where you may be expected to find it or sent in an envelope but without a sender’s name. The practice was apparently used when someone failed to volunteer for military service, for example. A movie by that name, “The White Feather”, appeared in the forties I believe.”

“Finding a feather is an omen that generally dictates you will receive some type of important news from an unexpected source. To determine the type of news that’s on its way, examine the color and size of the feather and judge accordingly!

“”Finding a feather” on your path tells you you are on the right path. Several cultures use this metaphor, but it originates in Native American mythology. For example, refer to the link below:

Feathers are also connected to Angelic messengers for whatever reason. I would love to know why if anyone knows! These types of feathers are often thought to be white.

The color of the feather can of course have an add meaning, like anything else.


July 8, 2011

I recently saw a Northern Cardinal outside my window hopping around on the branches of the tree that site there, and was curious as to what type of omen it could be. This is what my research was able to turn up.

Keywords: Pride, The King of Wands, The number 12, good luck especially if flying upwards into the sky,

Be sure to welcome the Cardinal to your windowsill for it is the spirit of a recently deceased relative or friend.

“Cardinals have a loud and distinct whistle. Whistles are reminders to listen closely and pay attention to what is blowing on the wind. Unlike other birds, the female joins in on the whistling reminding us to listen to our inner feminine voice more closely and heed its advice. Since most female birds are quiet and camouflaged, a cardinal totem almost always reflects a need to assert the feminine aspects of creativity and intuition.” (Believed to be from Ted Andrews’ book “Animal Speak”)

My own thoughts on Cardinals are of their regalness. The are striking birds, with their dark red feathers, and mohawk like heads. Yet they seem sincere, calm as can be. My Cardinal was male, which is why I easily sought him out.

Wheel of the Year

June 22, 2011

The wheel of the year is a symbolic design representative of the seasons and the Sabbats that occur. The Sabbats are derived from many different pagan religious practices from mostly Western, Non-Asian, cultures.

For many the Year ends with Samhain and starts with Yule. This is from celtic traditions. I personally like celebrate a New Year, and new beginnings with Imbolc, even though I know many people are very adverse to this idea, it fits for me as life is at a new beginning. For me, therefore, Yule is the end of the year Sabbat.

Traditionally the Wheel of the Year goes: Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, and finally the end of the year with Samhain.

My personal Wheel of The Year, so to speak, would therefore go: Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain and then the year ends with Yule.

A Interesting Idea of Heaven and Hell in The Spiritual Realm

March 31, 2011

“Yeah. I’m not too sure about this myself. But according to the ideology that heaven and hell exist, I think that doing such should be correct. – Humans are made of the ‘body’ and the ‘spirit’.” “Yeah.” “I think that the ‘spirit’ is made of two types of things: the ‘soul’ and ‘ego’; or ‘will’ – this term can also be used to express it: with this there is ‘intention’ and ‘aspiration’.” “Wu—Yeah.” “The ‘ego’ harbors the entire ‘soul’. Because the ‘ego’ is a membranous substance, I think is easier to think of the ‘spirit’ as a fluid for easier comprehension. The ‘soul’, a shapeless substance, adapts to the form and of the ‘ego’ and behaves as one. Because the ‘ego’ is transparent, you can see the ‘soul’ – this has the color of water. That’s why I think that shape and color that the ‘ego’ and the ‘soul’ produce together is the ‘spirit’. Right?” “Ai…” “In greater detail, the ‘spirit’ is like water, which is made of hydrogen and oxygen. ‘Mood’ is made of particles. The particles of ‘mood’ can be positive or negative. The positive particle gives of light; the negative the particle absorbs light.” “That is to say, the positive ‘mood’ is filled with sunshine, while negative ‘mood’ is grey and dark. Is that the meaning?” “Right. The positive ‘mood’ is light, thus the negative ‘mood’ is darkness. According to the activity of the ‘spirit’, the two types of particles are continuously produced and released through the transparent ‘ego’. – Do you understand?” “I understand. – I think I’ve got it.” “Because the positive particle is very light, it rises continuously; because the negative particle is heavy, it sinks. That’s why there are similar types of light and large facilities that gather these two types.”  “That would be heaven and hell, wouldn’t it?” Naru nodded. “After people die, they become spirits. At this time, if there are too many negative particles, the ‘spirit’ would be overburdened and sink, and vice versa.”

This is a wonderful excerpt from Ghost Hunt Volume 8 Chapter 3 as translated here –>

As someone who is not fond of limiting myself to anyone doctorine, religion or culture, I find this worth sharing.


September 24, 2010

Other Names: Samhan, All Hallows-Eve,

I need to expand this article. This will take a bit of time.


  • Make a spirit bell.

Food for The Feast

And, as always, whatever is naturally in season locally may be used, as well as whatever feels right.

Fruit: Apples, pear
Veggetables: Brussel sprouts, butternut squash, kale, leeks, winter squash
Meat: Goose, Guinea Fowl, Rabbit, Venison, Pork
Seafood: Brill, Halibit, Monkfish, Mussels, Places, Scallops
Roots: Beet (beetroot), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus, sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple,  topinambur), parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, swede (rutabaga),
Nuts: Chestnuts, walnuts, pecans

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called the sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambur

Tarot: Major Arcana: The Star

June 16, 2010

Peace – Tranquility – Trust – Renewed Hope -Self Confidence – Promise – Healing

Card Number: 17
Numerological Counterpart: Justice
Hebrew Letter: Tzaddi (fish hook)
Ruling Sign: Aquarius
Astrological body: Star

Predicting both hope and healing. She naked to the world, but not at all ashamed of her human imperfection. Her attitude can be kin to the personal qualities of Uranus., as she is free the chains that bind her. She is at peace and acceptance of who she is. She trusts in the innate powers of the Earth, to provide and carry her on the right path. In the hope she brings there is a calm. She pours water into a pool to refresh it’s stores, well also watering the ground before her. This speaks of the balanced emotional state she is. It is her calm. The stars in the sky allow as to dream, to believe in the inherit beautiful of this world. That the cycles will balance out all that is.

This cards begins to mind a Zen Buddhist saying, which I hold to heart: “Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.” Reminding me not to be the person in The Chariot, forcing life with my own strong will alone, but balancing my strength with the forces already at work. It is how to make them work for us. To let them happen and find the strength to live along side them.

“We have removed self-criticism and concentrated instead on our skills and strengths.’ –

Some list generosity as a trait of this card, but I actually think that it’s a bit different. I think calmness of heart allows us to do more for others, because we have managed to take care of our inner needs, giving us peace. The calm I feel is also in the ability to understand a find balance in the cycle continuing on this Earth about us. This understanding shows us the need to tend to others as a way of helping ourselves.


The Star

Venus acting through Aquarius upon the Moon. (Tzaddi) is the fish-hook that plunges itself into the depths of the unconscious (Moon) in order that beauty and order (Venus) be recovered for the greater whole – the world, or humanity (Aquarius).

When order and beauty act through humanitarian principles, the very depths of the affective-emotive side is touched. Conversely, in order that the world be truly modified, each individual’s unconscious must be touched by the beauty of the proposed change. The Divine, likewise, reveals itself broadly (ie, to many people: Aquarius) with beauty, victorious majesty, and elegance, to the still small voice within the depths of one’s own unconscious.”

“Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; it comes from being open to all the questions.” – Unknown

Tarot: Minor Arcana: Prince of Swords

June 16, 2010

A steadfast worker. Quick witted with his intelligence he often enjoys welding the sword of his mind in debate. He produces ideas with astonishing speed, but often moves on too quickly to follow through or elaborate on them [1]. He is someone who protects his space with fierocity, but may be unable to turn inward prefer instead to be in the company of others. However because he can be offstandish, and is not one often overcome with emotions he can be hard to get close to.
His youthfulness can hint to a lack of confidence in himself for lack of experience in the real world. He has a tendency towards extremes of thought, therefore he may be a very impetuous or righteous person.

Astrogological Sign Association: Scorpio, Aries

Inverted / Reversed / Ill-Dignified:

Relationship Spread from Way of Tarot

June 16, 2010

Relationship Spread from Way of Tarot

  1. What you are bringing into the relationship
  2. Where you are now, in relation to the other person
  3. What you are hoping to get from the relationship
  4. What the other person is bringing into their relationship with you
  5. What they are getting out of it
  6. What they are hoping to achieve/experience with you
  7. How you see the other person
  8. How they see you
  9. How you saw him/her when you first met
  10. How the other person saw you on your first meeting
  11. Your own anxieties/unconscious fears
  12. The other person’s anxieties/unconscious fears
  13. External influences upon you
  14. External influences upon the other person
  15. Where the relationship will go

Tarot: Minor Arcana: Three of Pentacles

September 10, 2009


Making Natural Wood Polish

June 3, 2009

I’ve started using this little recipe on my altar.


Pure Olive Oil (I use Bertoli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, because it’s pure and at just about every grocer.)
Pure lemon juice
Small bits of pure beeswax
A small amount of basil and lavender to protect and bring peace to my scared space.

1. In the bowl of oil diffuser I put in all my indregients.

2. Light my candle and stir occasionally as the mixture heats up. Continue until beeswax is fully melted.

3. Once the beeswax has fully melted and I feel the herbs have been fully infused into my mixture I dip a cotton cloth in it and rub toward the grain getting it deepy into it.